Comparing Specifications of Surface Pro 4 i5 vs i7

Computer is considered as one of the most essential gadgets in this modern era. There are various types of computer that you can find on the market these days from PC to laptop. One of the most popular types of computer that you can find these days is tablet PC. Basically, tablet PC is the type of mobile computer that allows you to use this gadget anywhere you want.

At a glance, tablet PC is quite similar with Smartphone but with bigger screen. Some people consider tablet PC as the combination between Smartphone and laptop. You can find various brands of tablet PC on the market these days. One of the most famous brand names is Surface Pro.

Before you decide to buy this tablet PC, you might want to compare Surface Pro 4 i5 vs i7 so that you can get the best deal.

surface pro 4 i5 vs i7

Surface Pro 4 i5 vs i7 Comparison

Surface Pro is the tablet PC that is produced by Microsoft. The latest version of this tablet PC is called Surface Pro 4. Surface Pro 4 is available in various choices of specifications. Two of the most popular versions are Surface Pro 4 i5 and Surface Pro 4 i7. Comparing these gadgets will allow you to get the tablet PC that is suitable with your needs in easier way.

Specifications of Surface Pro 4 i5 and Surface Pro 4 i7

Basically, the specifications of Surface Pro 4 i5 and i7 are quite similar. The only difference is the type of processor that is used on these gadgets. The i5 and i7 refers to the type of processor that is used on these gadgets. The Pro 4 i5 uses i5 processor while Pro 4 i7 uses i7 processor. Based on their performance, the comparison of surface pro 4 i5 vs. i7 shows that the Surface Pro 4 i7 has better performance than the i5. So if you need tablet PC with better performance, you should choose the i7.